Emanuele Graetz
Emanuele (1989) was born and grew up in Florence; from an early age, he became passionate about the world of wine in all its forms thanks to a property his grandfather had bought in the hills of Florence many years before. If since the very beginning of his precocious career he tried his hand at the dynamics of winemaking both in the countryside and in the cellar, it was only while travelling to follow the commercial side of the family business that he discovered the fascination of the great regions, such as Burgundy and Champagne, that created in him the desire to devote himself to production. Today, Emanuele is the mind and the beating heart of Isola delle Falcole.
Alessandro Mannelli
Alessandro (1989) was born and raised in Carmignano (PO). He has embraced the Isola delle Falcole project from day one and is now responsible for managing the cellar.
Niccolò Righini
Niccolò (1988) was born and raised in Florence. He is a great wine lover and very passionate about cooking; Niccolò is now responsible for the management of the vineyards of Isola delle Falcole.